
Yasser Mahgoub

Student to Faculty Ratio in Architecture Design Studio

Student to Faculty Ratio in Architecture Design Studio In general, the lower the student to faculty ratio, the better.A low ratio should mean that classes are small and faculty members can spend more time working individually with students.Private institutions such as Duke University (7:1 ratio), Caltech (3:1 ratio), Stanford University (12:1 ratio), Washington University (8:1),…

النسبة الجيدة لعدد الطلبة لكل اساتذ فى التعليم الجامعى

ما هى النسبة الجيدة لعدد الطلب لكل اساتذ فى التعليم الجامعى؟المتوسط هو 18 :1 ولكنها قد تختلف داخل الفصل الواحد حسب طبيعة الدراسة فى كل مادة.بالنسبة للعمارة العدد المناسب هو 12 إلى 15 داخل الاستوديو الواحد وتزيد إلى الضعف فى المواد النظرية.

Book – Heidegger – Building Dwelling Thinking

Martin Heidegger Poetry, Language Thought, 1971 Building Dwelling Thinking (p. 145-161) What is the state of dwelling in our precarious age? On all sides we hear talk about the housing shortage, and with good reason. Nor is there just talk; there is action too. We try to fill the need by providing houses, by promoting…


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About Me

Dr. Yasser Mahgoub is an architect, academic and scholar. Received his Doctorate in Architecture degree from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA in 1990. Held several academic positions at Ain Shams University, United Arab Emirates University, Kuwait University, Qatar University and Dar Al Hekma University, Saudi Arabia. Practiced as a professional architect and consultant in Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar. Teaches design studios, research methods, environment and behavior, creativity and innovation, professional practice, graduation/senior projects and graduate courses. His research interests include social and cultural aspects of architecture, sustainable architecture, architectural education and the impact of globalization on architecture. Published several refereed research papers in internationally refereed journal and book chapters.  Attended and presented papers in several international and regional conferences. Served as a scientific referee for many scientific conferences and journals. Was a member of the Agha Khan for Architecture Award reviewers for the 2010 cycle.

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